the Mind
of the

The Story of Sustainable Justice

Weekdays: 10am to 6pm
Friday lates: until 9pm

This work is artistic in nature. It represents the author's expression of the way, the means and the care with wich every man, woman and child can make justice happen. 

This said, it does not necessarily represent the opinions of Christian religious institutions, or those of the Canadian Judicial Council.  

This work is intended for the entertainment of the mind, the inspiration of the soul, and the cultivation of a new perspective on better access to justice.
The problem 
with justice.
From the mouth of a widow came words I did not expect. She said ''death is the only justice we have in the end''.  Her husband had died a quick death. He was a man who cared very little, for himself. 

After his death, no close acquaintances knocked on her door to express their condolesences or deep regrets for the loss that she had just suffered. There was no confusion about her face, she seemed to have completely understood the mathematical equation that had just taken place. 

Years later I too understood, that lady justice, like God the father, reconciles all things, good and bad, right back to herself. 
Similar signs 
and symbols.
Lady Justice is not a legend, she is eternally alive and prospering. Often misunderstood, her doctrine is one of love, wellness, celebration of life and sharing of wisdom and knowledge. 

Now more than ever, her customs, rituals and traditions are eco-friendly, people-centered, community-conscious and transformative of people, places and power structures. 

Lady Justice is not a legend, she is a central figure in the life story of mankind and all of creation. 

Justice belongs to everybody. 
The forest has a lot of power.
To the architect, life is an ongoing discovery of the law behind everything we see and we cannot see. Unconventional, suspicious of assumptions and eager to take apart ideas that others take for granted, as his main contribution to the unity of complex parallel systems.

In the twilight of his existence, the architect became increasingly determined to heal the division between mankind and all of creation. Thus sustainable justice was created on one of the darkest nights in the life of the architect. 

The birth of sustainable justice was the result of a long and anguishing trial, in which many lives were lost and ancient rings were broken. The future of sustainable justice was dependent upon the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not yet seen.

May her power be with you, and may you always go higher. 
Speaking the truth about.
Sustainable justice is the place in which every man dwels, before his temptation and fall from innocence. 

In this state of perfection, there is no enemy, there is no orphan, there is no ignorance, there is no evil, there is no pain, there is no loss, there is no death, there is no want, and there is no lack.

To say the truth, man has never fallen from Justice, it is but a matter of perception, and variance management.
Your right to
legal advice and representation.
Conciliation can substantially affect the rights and responsibilities of the parties who stand before us. Consequently, the parties are encouraged to seek legal advice and representation throughout the conciliation process. 

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