Online or face-to-face conciliation sessions. Standard rules and procedures apply to the conduct of conciliation sessions.
Conciliation is recognized as a valuable method of amicably settling disputes arising in the context of private and commercial matters. Locally and internationally, conciliation has been known to promote harmonious relationships and the fair, effective and affordable resolution of complex and delicate questions. Before you make hasty and wasteful decisions, attempt conciliation to resolve your dispute and avoid litigation. Many times reconciliation is possible. Our conciliation service is designed to provide fair, effective and affordable solutions to complex and delicate questions. Conciliation is an effective method for resolving disputes and avoiding litigation. The following content provides our distinguished clients with an overview of the conciliation process, from the signing of a conciliation agreement, to the settlement of a controversial matter.
Conciliation can substantially affect the rights and responsibilities of the parties who stand before us. Consequently, the parties are encouraged to seek legal advice and representation throughout the conciliation process. Nonetheless, unrepresented parties or litigants are welcome.
With a few exceptions, civil, commercial and labour relations conflicts, disputes or grievances can be submitted to conciliation for the purpose of resolution or settlement.
Conciliation may be attempted before or after a dispute arises. During litigation, agreeing parties, may seek the courts approval before attempting to settle their dispute by way of independent, impartial and binding conciliation.
Conciliation is a voluntary process. This said, both parties must agree to attempting conciliation for the purpose of preventing or resolving a dispute.
The following conciliation model clause can be added, by agreeing parties, to their main contract:
Where, in the event of a dispute arising out of or relating to this contract, the parties wish to seek an amicable settlement of that dispute by conciliation, the conciliation shall take place in accordance with the PRAXIS FORUM Conciliation Rules as at present in force.
Conciliation sessions may take place in public and private establishments, including courthouses, hotels, businesses, government buildings, community organizations and places of worship. A broad array of low cost options are available. Conciliation is a confidential process. This said, the chosen location must allow conversations and the exchange of information to be conducted in a confidential manner.
A flat-hourly fee applies to the conciliation service. Cost-sharing between the parties is the standard, unless both parties agree to a different cost-sharing arrangement. The cost of expert reports, testimonies, legal fees or other expenses contracted by a party for his or her exclusive interest, are paid by that party.
Praxis Forum / Conciliation Service
Telephone: (514) 569-9238
Web address: